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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Stabilization Policy: A Reconsideration 미리보기
Yellen, J. L.; Akerlof, G. A. Oxford University Press 2006
42 저널기사 Tracking Customer Search to Price Discriminate 미리보기
Deck, C. A.; Wilson, B. J. Oxford University Press 2006
43 저널기사 Do You Want Fries with That? An Exploration of Serving Size, Social Welfare, and Our Waistlines 미리보기
Jeitschko, T. D.; Pecchenino, R. A. Oxford University Press 2006
44 저널기사 Why Did Semiconductor Price Indexes Fall So Fast in the 1990s? A Decomposition 미리보기
Aizcorbe, A. Oxford University Press 2006
45 저널기사 Shirking on the Court: Testing for the Incentive Effects of Guaranteed Pay 미리보기
Berri, D. J.; Krautmann, A. C. Oxford University Press 2006
46 저널기사 Exemplary Damages in Equity: A Law and Economics Perspective 미리보기
Duggan, A. Oxford University Press 2006
47 저널기사 Wielding Occam's Razor: Pruning Strategies for Economic Loss 미리보기
Barker, K. Oxford University Press 2006
48 저널기사 Pension systems and intragenenerational redistribution when labor supply is endogenous 미리보기
Sommacal, A. Oxford University Press 2006
49 저널기사 Does innovation cause exports? Evidence from exogenous innovation impulses and obstacles using German micro data 미리보기
Lachenmaier, S.; Womann, L. Oxford University Press 2006
50 저널기사 The legislative road to Silicon Valley 미리보기
Armour, J.; Cumming, D. Oxford University Press 2006
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