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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Incentives, Capacity, and Implementation: Evidence from Massachusetts Education Reform 미리보기
McDermott, K. A. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
22 저널기사 Governing the Quango: An Auditing and Cheating Model of Quasi-Governmental Authorities 미리보기
Bertelli, A. M. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
23 저널기사 New Public Management Is Dead-Long Live Digital-Era Governance 미리보기
Dunleavy, P.; Margetts, H.; Bastow, S.; Tinkler, J. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
24 저널기사 Maybe It Is Time to Rediscover Bureaucracy 미리보기
Olsen, J. P. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
25 저널기사 Linking Passive and Active Representation by Gender: The Case of Child Support Agencies 미리보기
Wilkins, V. M.; Keiser, L. R. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
26 저널기사 Testing the Expectancy Disconfirmation Model of Citizen Satisfaction with Local Government 미리보기
Van Ryzin, G. G. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
27 저널기사 Sweet-Talking the Fourth Branch: The Influence of Interest Group Comments on Federal Agency Rulemaking 미리보기
Yackee, S. W. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
28 저널기사 Comparing Public and Private Sector Decision-Making Practices 미리보기
Nutt, P. C. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
29 저널기사 Influences on the Size and Scope of Networks for Social Service Delivery 미리보기
Graddy, E. A.; Chen, B. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
30 저널기사 Service with a Smile Review of Civic Service: What Difference Does It Make? J. L. Perry, A. M. Thompson 미리보기
Ross, L. C. Transaction Periodicals Consortium; 1997 2006
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