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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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2006 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 Determining the economic gains from regulation at the extensive and intensive margins 미리보기
Goetz, R. U.; Schmid, H.; Lehmann, B. Mouton 2006
112 저널기사 Comparing support for organic and conventional farming in the European Union using an adjusted Producer Support Estimate 미리보기
Gay, S. H.; Offermann, F. Mouton 2006
113 저널기사 Production risk and technical inefficiency in Russian agriculture 미리보기
Bokusheva, R.; Hockmann, H. Mouton 2006
114 저널기사 In limbo: Turkey's international trade is posting strong growth, but this could be held back and with it further economic growth by the country's generally poor port infrastructure 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2006
115 저널기사 False security The European Shippers' Council has reservations regarding the European Commission's proposed Authorized Economic Operator programme, believing that it might not simplify customs procedures as intended 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2006
116 저널기사 Consumer Attitudes and Acceptance of CLA-Enriched Dairy Products: 미리보기
Peng, Y.; West, G. E.; Wang, C. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2006
117 저널기사 Value of Social Capital to Mid-Sized Northern Plains Farms 미리보기
Gustafson, C. R.; Nganje, W. E. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2006
118 저널기사 Marketing Opportunities for Certified Pork Chops: 미리보기
Nilsson, T.; Foster, K.; Lusk, J. L. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2006
119 저널기사 Regional Trade Patterns: The Impact of Voluntary Food Safety Standards: 미리보기
Woods, M.; Thornsbury, S.; Raper, K. C.; Weldon, R. N. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2006
120 저널기사 Consumers' Food Choices with Voluntary Access to Genetic Modification Information: 미리보기
Hu, W.; Veeman, M.; Adamowicz, W.; Gao, G. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2006
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