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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Overeducation and Undereducation in Australia 미리보기
Miller, P. W. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
42 저널기사 Economic Issues with Climate Change 미리보기
Freebairn, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
43 저널기사 What Determines Australia's Response to Emergencies and Natural Disasters? 미리보기
Feeny, S.; Clarke, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
44 저널기사 Using Imputed Data: Examples from the HILDA Survey 미리보기
Watson, N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
45 저널기사 Can OECD Countries Afford Demographic Change? 미리보기
Guest, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
46 저널기사 The Next Wave of Tax Reform: Introduction 미리보기
Freebairn, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
47 저널기사 Innovation and Industrial Evolution 미리보기
Webster, E.; Buddelmeyer, H.; Jensen, P. H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
48 저널기사 Industry Dynamics: Setting the Scene 미리보기
Jensen, P. H.; Webster, E. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
49 저널기사 The Role of Firm Dynamics in Australia's Productivity Growth 미리보기
Breunig, R.; Wong, M. H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
50 저널기사 Central Bank Operating Procedures: How the RBA Achieves Its Target for the Cash Rate 미리보기
Otto, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
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