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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. CCPR CommentaryThe Procedures before the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies. Divergence or Convergence?Non-discrimination and Equality in the View of the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies 미리보기
Boerefijn, I. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
32 저널기사 The Application of the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause to the Dispute Settlement Provisions of Bilateral Investment Treaties: Domesticating the `Trojan Horse' 미리보기
Radi, Y. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
33 저널기사 Jurisdiction and Compliance in Recent Decisions of the International Court of Justice 미리보기
Llamzon, A.P. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
34 저널기사 Max Huber and the Red Cross 미리보기
Sandoz, Y. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
35 저널기사 Max Huber - His Life 미리보기
Schindler, D. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
36 저널기사 As If: The Legal Fiction in Diplomatic Protection 미리보기
Vermeer-Kunzli, A. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
37 저널기사 Torture and State Immunity: Deflecting Impunity, Distorting Sovereignty 미리보기
McGregor, L. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
38 저널기사 Kelsen Lives 미리보기
Somek, A. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
39 저널기사 Breach of the Obligation to Prevent and Reparation Thereof in the ICJs Genocide Judgment 미리보기
Gattini, A. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
40 저널기사 The Nicaragua and Tadic Tests Revisited in Light of the ICJ Judgment on Genocide in Bosnia 미리보기
Cassese, A. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2007
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