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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The role of attributions and attributional accuracy in managing subordinate performance: the Indian context 미리보기
Lakshman, C. INDERSCIENCE 2007
22 저널기사 Fifty Key Thinkers on Development 미리보기
Kennet, M. INDERSCIENCE 2007
23 저널기사 Multinational firms and productivity catching-up: the case of Chilean manufacturing 미리보기
Alvarez, R.; Crespi, G. Inderscience 2007
24 저널기사 Effective marketing of technical innovation 미리보기
Czuchry, A.J.; Yasin, M.M. Inderscience 2007
25 저널기사 Entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and Indian business elites 미리보기
Nayak, A.; Maclean, M.; Harvey, C.; Chia, R. INDERSCIENCE 2007
26 저널기사 Diffusion of human resource management systems in UK headquartered multinational enterprises: integrating institutional and strategic choice explanations 미리보기
Fenton-O Creevy, M.; Wood, S. Inderscience 2007
27 저널기사 Mobility of headquarters in multinational corporations 미리보기
Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Piekkari, R.; Bjorkman, I. Inderscience 2007
28 저널기사 The US challenge of European firms: globalisation, architecture, admiration and perceived innovativeness 미리보기
Salvatore, D. Inderscience 2007
29 저널기사 Re-conceptualising the paradoxes of information processing capability 미리보기
Huang, J. Inderscience 2007
30 저널기사 Mapping corporate Europe: business responses to institutional change, 1957-2007 미리보기
Wilson, J.F.; Iversen, M.J.; Schroter, H.; Colli, A.; Binda, V.; Antcliff, V. Inderscience 2007
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