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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal of consumer psychology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Deliberative and Automatic Bases of Suspicion: Empirical Evidence of the Sinister Attribution Error 미리보기
Main, K. J.; Dahl, D. W.; Darke, P. R. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
32 저널기사 Regret and Behavior: Comment on Zeelenberg and Pieters 미리보기
Roese, N. J.; Summerville, A.; Fessel, F. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
33 저널기사 Subjective Impressions of Minority Group Representation in the Media: A Comparison of Majority and Minority Viewers' Judgments and Underlying Processes 미리보기
Briley, D. A.; Shrum, L. J.; Wyer, Jr., R. S. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
34 저널기사 The SMAART Scale: A Measure of Individuals' Automatic Access to Secondary Meanings in Polysemous Statements 미리보기
Dimofte, C. V.; Yalch, R. F. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
35 저널기사 Towards Dimensionalizing Warranty Information: The Role of Consumer Costs of Warranty Redemption 미리보기
Pratap Jain, S.; Slotegraaf, R. J.; Lindsey, C. D. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
36 저널기사 Research Dialogue: Introduction to Research Dialogues 미리보기
Schwarz, N. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
37 저널기사 Construal Levels and Psychological Distance: Effects on Representation, Prediction, Evaluation, and Behavior 미리보기
Trope, Y.; Liberman, N.; Wakslak, C. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
38 저널기사 Research Dialogues: Introduction to Research Dialogues 미리보기
Schwarz, N. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 2007
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