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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
78건 중 78건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Global capitalism: Its fall and rise in the twentieth century 미리보기
Meissner, C. M. North-Holland 2007
32 저널기사 Institutions and moral hazard in open economies 미리보기
Vogel, J. North-Holland 2007
33 저널기사 Inflation inertia and credible disinflation 미리보기
Calvo, G.; Celasun, O.; Kumhof, M. North-Holland 2007
34 저널기사 Diversification cones, trade costs and factor market linkages 미리보기
Xiang, C. North-Holland 2007
35 저널기사 Free trade networks 미리보기
Furusawa, T.; Konishi, H. North-Holland 2007
36 저널기사 One cost of the Chilean capital controls: Increased financial constraints for smaller traded firms 미리보기
Forbes, K. J. North-Holland 2007
37 저널기사 Structural estimation and the border puzzle 미리보기
Balistreri, E. J.; Hillberry, R. H. North-Holland 2007
38 저널기사 Trade and the location of industries: Some new results 미리보기
Laussel, D.; Paul, T. North-Holland 2007
39 저널기사 Book review 미리보기
Lane, P. North-Holland 2007
40 저널기사 Trade agreements with domestic policies as disguised protection 미리보기
Lee, G. M. North-Holland 2007
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