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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 International linkages and productivity at the plant level: Foreign direct investment, exports, imports and licensing 미리보기
Yasar, M.; Morrison Paul, C. J. North-Holland 2007
52 저널기사 Global monetary policy under a dollar standard 미리보기
Devereux, M. B.; Shi, K.; Xu, J. North-Holland 2007
53 저널기사 Do free trade agreements actually increase members' international trade? 미리보기
Baier, S. L.; Bergstrand, J. H. North-Holland 2007
54 저널기사 Interacting factor endowments and trade costs: A multi-country, multi-good approach to trade theory 미리보기
Markusen, J. R.; Venables, A. J. North-Holland 2007
55 저널기사 Inefficient trade patterns: Excessive trade, cross-hauling and dumping 미리보기
Eden, B. North-Holland 2007
56 저널기사 The exchange rate in a behavioral finance framework 미리보기
Osler, C. North-Holland 2007
57 저널기사 Global migration and the world economy: Two centuries of policy and performance 미리보기
McHale, J. North-Holland 2007
58 저널기사 Productivity, terms of trade and the ‘home market effect’ 미리보기
Corsetti, G.; Martin, P.; Pesenti, P. North-Holland 2007
59 저널기사 Trade liberalization and rising wage inequality in Latin America: Reconciliation with HOS theory 미리보기
Atolia, M. North-Holland 2007
60 저널기사 The external wealth of nations mark II: Revised and extended estimates of foreign assets and liabilities, 1970?2004 미리보기
Lane, P. R.; Milesi-Ferretti, G. M. North-Holland 2007
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