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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Dumping as a signal of innovation 미리보기
Miyagiwa, K.; Ohno, Y. North-Holland 2007
62 저널기사 Welfare versus market access: The implications of tariff structure for tariff reform 미리보기
Anderson, J. E.; Neary, J. P. North-Holland 2007
63 저널기사 Is there really a foreign ownership wage premium? Evidence from matched employer?employee data 미리보기
Heyman, F.; Sjoholm, F.; Tingvall, P. G. North-Holland 2007
64 저널기사 Dynamic analysis of innovation and international transfer of technology through licensing 미리보기
Tanaka, H.; Iwaisako, T.; Futagami, K. North-Holland 2007
65 저널기사 Disclosure standards and market efficiency: Evidence from analysts' forecasts 미리보기
Tong, H. North-Holland 2007
66 저널기사 Tornell and Westermann, boom?bust cycles and financial liberalization 미리보기
Imbs, J. North-Holland 2007
67 저널기사 The endogeneity of the exchange rate as a determinant of FDI: A model of entry and multinational firms 미리보기
Russ, K. N. North-Holland 2007
68 저널기사 Evaluating the foreign ownership wage premium using a difference-in-differences matching approach 미리보기
Girma, S.; Gorg, H. North-Holland 2007
69 저널기사 Do exporters really pay higher wages? First evidence from German linked employer?employee data 미리보기
Schank, T.; Schnabel, C.; Wagner, J. North-Holland 2007
70 저널기사 A knowledge-and-physical-capital model of international trade flows, foreign direct investment, and multinational enterprises 미리보기
Bergstrand, J. H.; Egger, P. North-Holland 2007
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