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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 An enhancement of modern free trade area theory 미리보기
Grinols, E. L.; Silva, P. Oxford University Press 2007
22 저널기사 What made southwest German firms innovative around 1900? Assessing the importance of intra- and inter-industry externalities 미리보기
Baten, J.; Spadavecchia, A.; Streb, J.; Yin, S. Oxford University Press 2007
23 저널기사 Costly customer relations and pricing 미리보기
Choudhary, M. A.; Orszag, J. M. Oxford University Press 2007
24 저널기사 Progressive taxation and wage setting when unions strategically interact 미리보기
Brunello, G.; Sonedda, D. Oxford University Press 2007
25 저널기사 Skill heterogeneity and equilibrium unemployment 미리보기
Riley, R.; Young, G. Oxford University Press 2007
26 저널기사 Consumption smoothing among working-class American families before social insurance 미리보기
James, J. A.; Palumbo, M. G.; Thomas, M. Oxford University Press 2007
27 저널기사 Tough love or unconditional charity? 미리보기
Bougheas, S.; Dasgupta, I.; Morrissey, O. Oxford University Press 2007
28 저널기사 Promotion tournaments and white collar careers: evidence from William Deacon's Bank, 1890-1941 미리보기
Seltzer, A. J.; Frank, J. Oxford University Press 2007
29 저널기사 International environmental agreements among asymmetric nations 미리보기
McGinty, M. Oxford University Press 2007
30 저널기사 Conditional versus contingent fees 미리보기
Emons, W. Oxford University Press 2007
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
