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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
206건 중 206건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Tracking Poverty Over Time in the Absence of Comparable Consumption Data 미리보기
Stifel, D.; Christiaensen, L. Oxford University Press 2007
72 저널기사 Is Land Titling in Sub-Saharan Africa Cost-Effective? Evidence from Madagascar 미리보기
Jacoby, H.G.; Minten, B. Oxford University Press 2007
73 저널기사 The characteristics of a monetary economy: a Keynes-Schumpeter approach 미리보기
Bertocco, G. Oxford University Press 2007
74 저널기사 Akerlof and Kranton on identity in economics: inverting the analysis 미리보기
Davis, J. B. Oxford University Press 2007
75 저널기사 Pathways out of rural poverty: a case study in socio-economic mobility in the rural Philippines 미리보기
Fuwa, N. Oxford University Press 2007
76 저널기사 The disappearance of cooperatives from economics textbooks 미리보기
Kalmi, P. Oxford University Press 2007
77 저널기사 Homogeneity masquerading as variety: the case of horizontal innovation models 미리보기
Park, M.-S. Oxford University Press 2007
78 저널기사 Rethinking economics: the potential contribution of the classics 미리보기
Castro Caldas, J.; Costa, A. N.; Burns, T. R. Oxford University Press 2007
79 저널기사 Two studies of women's retirement incomes in Australia: assessing some outcomes of pluralism in economic research 미리보기
Jefferson, T. Oxford University Press 2007
80 저널기사 A simple model of three economies with two currencies: the eurozone and the USA 미리보기
Godley, W.; Lavoie, M. Oxford University Press 2007
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