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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Tacit Collusion and Capacity Withholding in Repeated Uniform Price Auctions 미리보기
Dechenaux, E.; Kovenock, D. Rand Corp. 2007
52 저널기사 Something to Prove: Reputation in Teams 미리보기
Bar-Isaac, H. Rand Corp. 2007
53 저널기사 Measuring Consumer Welfare in the CPU Market: An Application of the Pure-Characteristics Demand Model 미리보기
Song, M. Rand Corp. 2007
54 저널기사 Stock Recommendation of an Analyst Who Trades on Own Account 미리보기
Ozerturk, S. Rand Corp. 2007
55 저널기사 The Design of Patent Pools: The Determinants of Licensing Rules 미리보기
Lerner, J.; Strojwas, M.; Tirole, J. Rand Corp. 2007
56 저널기사 Making a Difference 미리보기
Francois, P. Rand Corp. 2007
57 저널기사 Go for Broke or Play It Safe? Dynamic Competition with Choice of Variance 미리보기
Anderson, A.; Cabral, L.M.B. Rand Corp. 2007
58 저널기사 Optimal Information Revelation in Procurement Schemes 미리보기
Gal-Or, E.; Gal-Or, M.; Dukes, A. Rand Corp. 2007
59 저널기사 Advertising Dynamics and Competitive Advantage 미리보기
Doraszelski, U.; Markovich, S. Rand Corp. 2007
60 저널기사 Downstream Mergers and Producer's Capacity Choice: Why Bake a Larger Pie When Getting a Smaller Slice? 미리보기
Montez, J.V. Rand Corp. 2007
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