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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Economic policy from an evolutionary perspective: the case of Finland 미리보기
Boschma, R. A.; Sotarauta, M. unknown 2007
12 저널기사 Regional innovation, entrepreneurship and talent systems 미리보기
Cooke, P. unknown 2007
13 저널기사 Research and technology organisations: how do they manage their knowledge? 미리보기
Barge-Gil, A.; Lemus-Torres, A. B.; Nunez-Sanchez, R.; Modrego-Rico, A. unknown 2007
14 저널기사 Entrepreneurship, knowledge and learning in cluster formation and evolution: the Windsor Ontario tool, die and mould cluster 미리보기
Rutherford, T. D.; Holmes, J. unknown 2007
15 저널기사 Network positions and efforts to innovate in a small Canadian optics and photonics clusters 미리보기
Ouimet, M.; Landry, R.; Amara, N. unknown 2007
16 저널기사 Promoting regional networking and cluster formation in East Germany: a chance for setting up new regional growth regimes in an economically volatile environment? 미리보기
Koschatzky, K.; Lo, V. unknown 2007
17 저널기사 Universities as entrepreneurship engines in the periphery: more than wishful thinking? The example of Kiel in Northern Germany 미리보기
Diez, J. R.; Mildahn, B. unknown 2007
18 저널기사 Institutional features, path dependencies and regional industrial change: comparing mature and embryonic clusters in an old industrial region 미리보기
Cumbers, A.; Leibovitz, J.; MacKinnon, D. unknown 2007
19 저널기사 Knowledge links in high-technology industries: markets, networks or milieu? The case of the Vienna biotechnology cluster 미리보기
Todtling, F.; Trippl, M. unknown 2007
20 저널기사 The uniqueness of the Montreal fur industry in an apparel sector adrift: the role of proximity 미리보기
Klein, J.-L.; Tremblay, D.-G.; Fontan, J.-M.; Guay, N. unknown 2007
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