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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Exploring the mediation effect of service quality implementation on the relationship between service quality and performance in the banking industry in Jordan 미리보기
Akroush, M.N. Inderscience 2008
82 저널기사 War on terrorism: from the bloody clash of civilisations to a nonviolent coexistence of nations and civilisations 미리보기
Vgontzas, A.N. Inderscience 2008
83 저널기사 CIBAM and the Symposium on `Security, Terrorism and Business' 미리보기
Pitelis, C.N. Inderscience 2008
84 저널기사 Export motivations and barriers: a case study of Greek firms exporting to four south-eastern European countries 미리보기
Liargovas, P.G.; Skandalis, K.S. Inderscience 2008
85 저널기사 Multivariate GARCH models and the Black-Litterman approach for tracking error constrained portfolios: an empirical analysis 미리보기
Palomba, G. Inderscience 2008
86 저널기사 Implementing the new anti-money laundering directive in Europe: legal and enforcement issues; the Italian case 미리보기
Costa, S. Inderscience 2008
87 저널기사 The impact of natural events and disasters on the Australian stock market: a GARCH-M analysis of storms, floods, cyclones, earthquakes and bushfires 미리보기
Worthington, A.C. Inderscience 2008
88 저널기사 International standards in anti-money laundering and combating the terrorist financing regulation: compliance and strategy changes 미리보기
Verdugo, C. Inderscience 2008
89 저널기사 Terrorism and business: a view from an insurance practitioner 미리보기
Lewers, A. Inderscience 2008
90 저널기사 Terrorism and Islamism: differences, dynamics and dilemmas 미리보기
Iqtidar, H. Inderscience 2008
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