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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
38건 중 38건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Between Forced Resumption and Voluntary Sale: A Mechanism for the Collective Sale or Transfer of Irrigation Water 미리보기
Pincus, J.; Shapiro, P. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
12 저널기사 Is the Decline in the Frequency of Draws in Test Match Cricket Detrimental to the Long Form of the Game? 미리보기
Lenten, L.J.A. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
13 저널기사 Measuring Regulation and Regulatory Performance: Benchmarking Through Key Performance Indicators 미리보기
O Brien, J. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
14 저널기사 Defining and Managing Environmental Flows: Inputs from Society 미리보기
Bennett, J. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
15 저널기사 The Regulation of Investments 미리보기
Valentine, T. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
16 저널기사 Returns to Education in Australia 미리보기
Leigh, A. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
17 저널기사 A Note from the New Editor 미리보기
Clarke, H. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
18 저널기사 Managing the Murray-Darling Basin: Some Implications for Climate Change Policy 미리보기
Quiggin, J. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
19 저널기사 A Study on Financial Service Trade Between Australia and China 미리보기
Fengjuan, X.; Turner, L. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
20 저널기사 Comparative Advantage and Australia-China Bilateral Trade 미리보기
Sheng, Y.; Song, L. Economic Society of Australia; 1998 2008
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