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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Multi-phase composite analytical model for integrated allocation-routing problem - application of blood bank logistics 미리보기
Sivakumar, P.; Ganesh, K.; Parthiban, P. Inderscience 2008
22 저널기사 A hierarchical taxonomy of decision-making models for container terminal operations 미리보기
Tsitsamis, D.; Vlachos, D.; Iakovou, E.; Douligeris, C. Inderscience 2008
23 저널기사 Winning business strategies for boutique wineries: the New Zealand experience 미리보기
Stevens, N.; Clayton, G. Inderscience 2008
24 저널기사 Book Review: Six Degrees - Our Future on a Hotter Planet by M. Lynas 미리보기
Alderson, P. INDERSCIENCE 2008
25 저널기사 Director cash compensation, ownership structure and director pay for performance 미리보기
Niu, F. Inderscience 2008
26 저널기사 A marketing paradigm for successful lean implementation 미리보기
Sawhney, R.; Lee, T.-R.; Wu, H.-C.; Chen, S.-Y. Inderscience 2008
27 저널기사 Fuelling the global value chains: what role for logistics capabilities? 미리보기
Memedovic, O.; Ojala, L.; Rodrigue, J.-P.; Naula, T. Inderscience 2008
28 저널기사 Linking to global logistics value chains: an imperative for developing countries 미리보기
Ojala, L.; Andersson, D.; Naula, T. Inderscience 2008
29 저널기사 A comprehensive methodological framework for improving security and efficiency of port container logistics 미리보기
Iakovou, E.; Georgiadis, P.; Vlachos, D. Inderscience 2008
30 저널기사 An alternative heuristic solution technique for efficient management of the serial supply chain 미리보기
Hoque, M.A.; Goyal, S.K. Inderscience 2008
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