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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Judging the Scientific and Medical Literature: Some Legal Implications of Changes to Biomedical Research and Publication 미리보기
Edmond, G. Oxford University Press 2008
82 저널기사 The Paradox of Constitutionalism or the Potential of Constitutional Theory? 미리보기
Galligan, D.J. Oxford University Press 2008
83 저널기사 Respecting the Living Means Respecting the Dead too 미리보기
McGuinness, S.; Brazier, M. Oxford University Press 2008
84 저널기사 Welfare to Work: Myth and Fact, Social Inclusion and Labour Exclusion 미리보기
Paz-Fuchs, A. Oxford University Press 2008
85 저널기사 Damages for Breach of Contract: Compensation, Restitution and Vindication 미리보기
Pearce, D.; Halson, R. Oxford University Press 2008
86 저널기사 Ignorance and Unjust Enrichment: The Problem of Title 미리보기
Swadling, W. Oxford University Press 2008
87 저널기사 The Common Frame of Reference for European Private Law-Policy Choices and Codification Problems 미리보기
Eidenmuller, H.; Faust, F.; Grigoleit, H.C.; Jansen, N.; Wagner, G.; Zimmermann, R. Oxford University Press 2008
88 저널기사 Gender, Nation and the Common Law Constitution 미리보기
Robinson, T. Oxford University Press 2008
89 저널기사 God, Terror and Law 미리보기
Ward, I. Oxford University Press 2008
90 저널기사 Gain-Related Recovery 미리보기
Giglio, F. Oxford University Press 2008
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