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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Monoculture versus diversity in competition economics 미리보기
Budzinski, O. Oxford University Press 2008
92 저널기사 Index to Volume 32 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2008
93 저널기사 Comment: Hayes on Z 미리보기
Hartwig, J.; Brady, M. E. Oxford University Press 2008
94 저널기사 The foundations of trust: macro and micro 미리보기
Uslaner, E. M. Oxford University Press 2008
95 저널기사 Power relationships along the value chain: multinational firms, global buyers and performance of local suppliers 미리보기
Pietrobelli, C.; Saliola, F. Oxford University Press 2008
96 저널기사 On some criticisms of critical realism in economics 미리보기
da Graca Moura, M.; Martins, N. Oxford University Press 2008
97 저널기사 A life-cycle overlapping-generations model of the small open economy 미리보기
Heijdra, B.J.; Romp, W.E. Oxford University Press 2008
98 저널기사 Male wages and female welfare: private markets, public goods, and intrahousehold inequality 미리보기
Ghosh, S.; Kanbur, R. Oxford University Press 2008
99 저널기사 Mind the gap? Estimating the effects of postponing higher education 미리보기
Holmlund, B.; Liu, Q.; Nordström Skans, O. Oxford University Press 2008
100 저널기사 What Can We Learn about Financial Access from U.S. Immigrants? The Role of Country of Origin Institutions and Immigrant Beliefs 미리보기
Osili, U. O.; Paulson, A. Oxford University Press 2008
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