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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Longer life, higher welfare? 미리보기
Grimm, M.; Harttgen, K. Oxford University Press 2008
22 저널기사 Intrinsic comparative statics of a general class of profit-maximizing rate-of-return regulated firms 미리보기
Caputo, M. R.; Partovi, M. H. Oxford University Press 2008
23 저널기사 Bureaucratic Rents and Life Satisfaction 미리보기
Luechinger, S. Oxford University Press 2008
24 저널기사 Environmental Liability in Transboundary Harms: Law and Forum Choice 미리보기
Eckert, A. Oxford University Press 2008
25 저널기사 Insurgency and Credible Commitment in Autocracies and Democracies 미리보기
Keefer, P. Oxford University Press 2008
26 저널기사 Editors Note 미리보기
Ayres, I. Oxford University Press 2008
27 저널기사 Patterns of Rainfall Insurance Participation in Rural India 미리보기
Gine, X.; Townsend, R.; Vickery, J. Oxford University Press 2008
28 저널기사 Foreign Aid, the Real Exchange Rate, and Economic Growth in the Aftermath of Civil Wars 미리보기
Elbadawi, I.A.; Kaltani, L.; Schmidt-Hebbel, K. Oxford University Press 2008
29 저널기사 A materialist development of some recent contributions to the labour theory of value 미리보기
Brown, A. Oxford University Press 2008
30 저널기사 Disorderly adjustments to the misalignments in the Korean won 미리보기
Kinkyo, T. Oxford University Press 2008
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