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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Entrepreneurs and new ideas 미리보기
Biais, B.; Perotti, E. Rand Corp. 2008
32 저널기사 Entry and regulation: evidence from health care professions 미리보기
Schaumans, C.; Verboven, F. Rand Corp. 2008
33 저널기사 Takeovers, market monitoring, and international corporate governance 미리보기
Kumar, P.; Ramchand, L. Rand Corp. 2008
34 저널기사 Do report cards tell consumers anything they don't already know? The case of Medicare HMOs 미리보기
Dafny, L.; Dranove, D. Rand Corp. 2008
35 저널기사 Quantifying the benefits of entry into local phone service 미리보기
Economides, N.; Seim, K.; Viard, V. B. Rand Corp. 2008
36 저널기사 Buy-out prices in auctions: seller competition and multi-unit demands 미리보기
Kirkegaard, R.; Overgaard, P. B. Rand Corp. 2008
37 저널기사 What changes energy consumption? Prices and public pressures 미리보기
Reiss, P. C.; White, M. W. Rand Corp. 2008
38 저널기사 Domestic airline alliances and consumer welfare 미리보기
Armantier, O.; Richard, O. Rand Corp. 2008
39 저널기사 An optimal auction with identity-dependent externalities 미리보기
Aseff, J.; Chade, H. Rand Corp. 2008
40 저널기사 Delegation and incentives 미리보기
Bester, H.; Krahmer, D. Rand Corp. 2008
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