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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Will I like a “medium?? pillow? Another look at constructed and inherent preferences 미리보기
Simonson, I. Taylor & Francis 2008
32 저널기사 Embodied constraints as elements in attitude construction 미리보기
Smith, E. R. Taylor & Francis 2008
33 저널기사 Aligning benefits with payments: A test of the pattern alignment hypothesis 미리보기
Auh, S.; Shih, E.; Yoon, Y. Taylor & Francis 2008
34 저널기사 Consumer response to brand extensions: Construal level as a moderator of the importance of perceived fit 미리보기
Kim, H.; John, D. R. Taylor & Francis 2008
35 저널기사 Beyond fit and attitude: The effect of emotional attachment on consumer responses to brand extensions 미리보기
Fedorikhin, A.; Park, C. W.; Thomson, M. Taylor & Francis 2008
36 저널기사 What's in a frame anyway?: A meta-cognitive analysis of the impact of one versus two sided message framing on attitude certainty 미리보기
Rucker, D. D.; Petty, R. E.; Brinol, P. Taylor & Francis 2008
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