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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
68건 중 68건 출력
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2008 삭제
법학도서관 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 단행본 Standardisierung durch Markt und Recht 미리보기
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Thomas M. J. Mo@llers Nomos 2008
32 단행본 The rise of the conservative legal movement:the battle for control of the law 미리보기
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Steven M. Teles Princeton University Press 2008
33 단행본 International economic law 미리보기
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Andreas F. Lowenfeld Oxford University Press 2008
34 단행본 The economics of courts and litigation 미리보기
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Francisco Cabrillo and Sean Fitzpatrick Edward Elgar 2008
35 단행본 Trade and the environment:a comparative study of EC and US law 미리보기
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Damien Geradin Cambridge University Press 2008
36 단행본 How the Chicago School overshot the mark:the effect of conservative economic analysis on U.S. antitrust 미리보기
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edited by Robert Pitofsky Oxford University Press 2008
37 단행본 Biobazaar:the open source revolution and biotechnology 미리보기
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Janet Hope Harvard University Press 2008
38 단행본 Tax compliance costs for companies in an enlarged European Community 미리보기
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edited by Michael Lang ... [et al.] Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2008
39 단행본 Marine conservation agreements:the law and policy of reservations and vetoes 미리보기
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by Howard S. Schiffman M. Nijhoff Pub. 2008
40 단행본 Competition law and patents:a follow-on innovation perspective in the biopharmaceutical industry 미리보기
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by Irina Haracoglou Edward Elgar 2008
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