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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal of consumer psychology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 False fame, perceptual clarity, or persuasion? Flexible fluency attribution in spokesperson familiarity effects 미리보기
Weisbuch, M.; Mackie, D. Taylor & Francis 2009
22 저널기사 Consumer reactions to the decreased usage message: The role of elaborative processing 미리보기
White, K.; Willness, C. Taylor & Francis 2009
23 저널기사 Limitations to the deficit attenuation hypothesis: Aging and decision making 미리보기
Healey, M. K.; Hasher, L. Taylor & Francis 2009
24 저널기사 Introduction to research dialogue 미리보기
Schwarz, N. Taylor & Francis 2009
25 저널기사 Psychological distance asymmetry: The spatial dimension vs. other dimensions 미리보기
Zhang, M.; Wang, J. Taylor & Francis 2009
26 저널기사 Indulgence as self-reward for prior shopping restraint: A justification-based mechanism 미리보기
Mukhopadhyay, A.; Johar, G. V. Taylor & Francis 2009
27 저널기사 The function of value in self-regulation 미리보기
Fishbach, A. Taylor & Francis 2009
28 저널기사 On values and phenomenology 미리보기
Posavac, S. S. Taylor & Francis 2009
29 저널기사 The effects of physical distance between regular and sale prices on numerical difference perceptions 미리보기
Coulter, K. S.; Norberg, P. A. Taylor & Francis 2009
30 저널기사 Memory issues pertaining to social marketing messages about behavior enactment versus non-enactment 미리보기
Freeman, D.; Shapiro, S.; Brucks, M. Taylor & Francis 2009
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