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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Assessing performance of management institutions: An application of data envelopment analysis 미리보기
Debnath, R. M.; Shankar, R. Emerald 2009
102 저널기사 Establishment and application of performance measure indicators for universities 미리보기
Chen, S.-H.; Wang, H.-H.; Yang, K.-J. Emerald 2009
103 저널기사 An initial survey on the use of costs of quality programmes in telecommunications 미리보기
Arvaiova, M.; Aspinwall, E. M.; Walker, D. S. Emerald 2009
104 저널기사 Criteria requirements of the European business excellence model: a suggested approach 미리보기
Vorria, E. P.; Bohoris, G. A. Emerald 2009
105 저널기사 Improve constantly and forever: the influence of W. Edwards Deming into the twenty-first century 미리보기
Knouse, S.B.; Carson, P.P.; Carson, K.D.; Heady, R.B. Emerald 2009
106 저널기사 Professionals freaking out: the case of accrediation in Dutch higher education 미리보기
van Kemenade, E.; Hardjono, T.W. Emerald 2009
107 저널기사 Towards a stakeholder methodology: experiences from public eldercare 미리보기
Wreder, A.; Johansson, P.; Garvare, R. Emerald 2009
108 저널기사 Quality follows quality: add quality to the business and quality will multiply the profits 미리보기
Gill, J. Emerald 2009
109 저널기사 Value creation in outsourced service provision in public transportation 미리보기
Ronnback, A.; Witell, L. Emerald 2009
110 저널기사 Project management in small to medium-sized enterprises: a comparison between firms by size and industry 미리보기
Turner, J.R.; Ledwith, A.; Kelly, J. EMERALD 2009
맨앞 이전 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 
