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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Investigating the deployment of project management: a new perspective based on the concept of certification 미리보기
Yatim, F.; Bredillet, C.N.; Ruiz, P. EMERALD 2009
92 저널기사 Cultural differences in decision making in project teams 미리보기
Muller, R.; Spang, K.; Ozcan, S. EMERALD 2009
93 저널기사 The influence of a collaborative procurement approach using integrated design in construction on project team performance 미리보기
Forgues, D.; Koskela, L. EMERALD 2009
94 저널기사 Reconciling order and chaos in multi-project firms 미리보기
Geraldi, J.G. EMERALD 2009
95 저널기사 Crossover of workplace aggression on to partner's alcohol intake 미리보기
Marchand, A.; Harvey, S.; Haines, V. EMERALD 2009
96 저널기사 Using critical incident technique (CIT) to capture the voice of the student 미리보기
Douglas, J.A.; McClelland, R.; Davies, J.; Sudbury, L. Emerald 2009
97 저널기사 Workplace bullying risk assessment in 12 Italian organizations 미리보기
Giorgi, G. EMERALD 2009
98 저널기사 A combination of work environment factors and individual difference variables in work interfering with family 미리보기
Blanchard, C.M.; Tremblay, M.A.; Mask, L.; Perras, M.G.M. EMERALD 2009
99 저널기사 Designing a stress management intervention in social services 미리보기
Coffey, M.; Dugdill, L.; Tattersall, A. EMERALD 2009
100 저널기사 Total quality management and supply chain management: similarities and differences 미리보기
Vanichchinchai, A.; Igel, B. Emerald 2009
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