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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Understanding health, culture, and empowerment in a disability context 미리보기
Yeoh, P. L. EMERALD 2009
52 저널기사 Are travellers interested in wine tourism in New Zealand? 미리보기
Alonso, A. D. EMERALD 2009
53 저널기사 Conceptualizing tourist satisfaction at the destination level 미리보기
Dmitrovic, T.; Cvelbar, L. K.; Kolar, T. 3.; Brencic, M. M.; Ograjenšek, I.; Žabkar, V. EMERALD 2009
54 저널기사 Considering implementing major strategic change? Lessons from joint venture in the UK health technology sector 미리보기
Rod, M.; Ashill, N.; Saunders, S. EMERALD 2009
55 저널기사 Cognitive age as a criterion explaining senior tourists' motivations 미리보기
Gonzalez, A. M.; Rodriguez, C.; Miranda, M. R.; Cervantes, M. EMERALD 2009
56 저널기사 The service environment: functional or fun? Does it matter? 미리보기
Joseph-Mathews, S.; Bonn, M. A. EMERALD 2009
57 저널기사 Independent theatres and the creation of a fringe atmosphere 미리보기
Frew, E.; Ali-Knight, J. EMERALD 2009
58 저널기사 TQM: a knowledge enabler? 미리보기
Colurcio, M. Emerald 2009
59 저널기사 The Delphi technique: a method for testing complex and multifaceted topics 미리보기
Grisham, T. EMERALD 2009
60 저널기사 A framework for tourist expectations 미리보기
Bosque, I. R.; Martin, H. S.; Collado, J.; Salmones, M. d. EMERALD 2009
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