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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Coordination of perishable product returns with imbalance information 미리보기
Yang, J.; Qin, Z.; Lee, H. Inderscience 2009
62 저널기사 Project investment supporting by real options 미리보기
Meza, P. Inderscience 2009
63 저널기사 Policy for supporting business minorities: a study of women and immigrant entrepreneurs 미리보기
Kushnirovich, N. Inderscience 2009
64 저널기사 Operation time in coronary artery bypass graft 미리보기
Lehtonen, J.-M.; Hippelainen, M.; Kouri, J.; Vartiainen, M.A. Inderscience 2009
65 저널기사 A benchmarking analysis of customer relationship management for international tourist hotels 미리보기
Lee, L.-Y.; Kao, Y.-H.; Nugroho, B.H. Inderscience 2009
66 저널기사 Managing product variety through component commonality: concept and application 미리보기
Shamsuzzoha, A.H.M.; Helo, P.T. Inderscience 2009
67 저널기사 Public-private partnership in FTTX passive infrastructure deployment: the 22@BCN case 미리보기
Infante, J.; Sagarra, R.; Macian, C.; Oliver, M. INDERSCIENCE 2009
68 저널기사 Auditor independence and corporate governance: ethical dilemmas 미리보기
Rodgers, W.; Guiral, A.; Gonzalo, J.A. Inderscience 2009
69 저널기사 Initiating forces and success factors of born global firms 미리보기
Holtbrugge, D.; Wessely, B. Inderscience 2009
70 저널기사 The Arctic Sea Route 미리보기
Laulajainen, R. Inderscience 2009
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