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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Economic growth and economic crisis 미리보기
Anderson, V. INDERSCIENCE 2009
12 저널기사 Sex work: a survey of social, philosophical and human rights issues 미리보기
Bennett, N. INDERSCIENCE 2009
13 저널기사 Development of a framework for an RFID-based manufacturing process automation system 미리보기
Lee, W.B.; Cheung, C.F.; Kwok, S.K.; Chan, Y.L.; Chan, K.C.C.; Leung, H.K.N. Inderscience 2009
14 저널기사 Should economics educators care about students' academic freedom? 미리보기
Garnett, R.F.; Butler, M.R. Inderscience 2009
15 저널기사 Teaching alternative approaches to the firm 미리보기
Mallin, S. Inderscience 2009
16 저널기사 Climate change policy and the social discount rate: political not ethical 미리보기
Duckworth, C. INDERSCIENCE 2009
17 저널기사 Against rigid boundaries in social science 미리보기
Engartner, T. Inderscience 2009
18 저널기사 Public-private partnership in FTTX passive infrastructure deployment: the 22@BCN case 미리보기
Infante, J.; Sagarra, R.; Macian, C.; Oliver, M. INDERSCIENCE 2009
19 저널기사 Avoiding extinction: the future of economics 미리보기
Chichilnisky, G. INDERSCIENCE 2009
20 저널기사 Power, political economy and environmental governance: staple chains as media of power 미리보기
Lawson, J. INDERSCIENCE 2009
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