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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
83건 중 83건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Neural network-based fuzzy auto-regressive models of different orders to forecast Taiwan stock index 미리보기
Yu, T.H.-K.; Huarng, K.-H.; Rianto, R. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
42 저널기사 The ethics of future business leaders: a cross-cultural comparison 미리보기
Elkin, G.; King, S. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
43 저널기사 An easy way to apply economic theory to actual analysis - a technical means for applied economists 미리보기
Matsumoto, Y. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
44 저널기사 Modelling the outsourcing process in small and medium size enterprises 미리보기
Efstathiades, A.; Rousis, C.; Boustras, G.; Bratskas, R. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
45 저널기사 Cognitive factors affecting buying decision of young consumers: role of arousal and merriment 미리보기
Rajagopal Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
46 저널기사 Effects of environmental cues, satisfaction and affective commitment on extra-role behaviours 미리보기
Liu, J.S.; Chang, K.-H. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
47 저널기사 Models of regulation of network industries in Slovakia 미리보기
Fendekova, E.; Fendek, M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
48 저널기사 `Representative management' as a rational research program in Kuhn-Lakatos-Laudan sense 미리보기
Gospodarek, T. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2009
49 저널기사 Residents' perceptions of tourism impacts and sustainable tourism development 미리보기
Ogorelc, A. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2009
50 저널기사 Subprime crisis and its effect on sustainability of profits in selected Slovenian banks 미리보기
Stubelj, I.; Dolenc, P. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2009
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