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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Affective forecasting and self-control: Why anticipating pride wins over anticipating shame in a self-regulation context 미리보기
Patrick, V. M.; Chun, H. H.; Macinnis, D. J. Taylor & Francis 2009
52 저널기사 Social contract theory and the ethics of deception in consumer research 미리보기
Smith, N. C.; Kimmel, A. J.; Klein, J. G. Taylor & Francis 2009
53 저널기사 Self-regulation of consumer decision making and behavior: The role of implementation intentions 미리보기
Gollwitzer, P. M.; Sheeran, P. Taylor & Francis 2009
54 저널기사 Sales and sincerity: The role of relational framing in word-of-mouth marketing 미리보기
Tuk, M. A.; Verlegh, P. W.; Smidts, A.; Wigboldus, D. H. Taylor & Francis 2009
55 저널기사 Consumer decision making and aging: Current knowledge and future directions 미리보기
Yoon, C.; Cole, C. A.; Lee, M. P. Taylor & Francis 2009
56 저널기사 Consumer decision making and aging: A commentary from a public policy/marketing perspective 미리보기
Goldberg, M. E. Taylor & Francis 2009
57 저널기사 Journal of Consumer Psychology:The Official Journal of The Society for Consumer Psychology 미리보기
Maheswaran, D. Taylor & Francis 2009
58 저널기사 Who I am and how I think: The impact of self-construal on the roles of internal and external reference prices in price evaluations 미리보기
Chen, C. Y. Taylor & Francis 2009
59 저널기사 Proposing and testing the contextual gender influence theory: An examination of gender influence types on trust of computer agents 미리보기
Lee, E. J.; Schumann, D. W. Taylor & Francis 2009
60 저널기사 Schadenfreude as a consumption-related emotion: Feeling happiness about the downfall of another's product 미리보기
Sundie, J. M.; Ward, J. C.; Beal, D. J.; Chin, W. W.; Geiger-Oneto, S. Taylor & Francis 2009
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