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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 The role of KIBS in the technological renovation of local economies. Evidence from the computer services sector 미리보기
Bolisani, E.; Scarso, E. unknown 2009
32 저널기사 The impact of labour market regulations on (potential) entrepreneurs: the case of Germany 미리보기
Moog, P.; Backes-Gellner, U. unknown 2009
33 저널기사 The process of leadership, innovation and decision making through the influence of values 미리보기
Stok, Z.M.; Markic, M.; Mesko, M. unknown 2009
34 저널기사 The relative importance of human and product resources in influencing the export propensity of small UK firms 미리보기
Hall, G.; Cook, M. unknown 2009
35 저널기사 Examining the relationships between information acquisition, Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition, and innovation performance through the development and validation of a new measure to assess information acquisition in the high technology sector in Taiwan 미리보기
Wang, Y.-L.; Ellinger, A.D. unknown 2009
36 저널기사 Western Auto Parts: the evolution of an entrepreneurial business in Poland 미리보기
Klonowski, D. unknown 2009
37 저널기사 Is globalisation an enabler of radical innovation in Toyota? 미리보기
Tan, K.H.; Perrons, R.K. unknown 2009
38 저널기사 University-Industry-Government linkages in biotech in a small transition country: the Estonian case 미리보기
Mets, T. unknown 2009
39 저널기사 The role of private equity: from focus on the product to focus on value creation 미리보기
Solvang, B.K.; Berg-Utby, T. unknown 2009
40 저널기사 The impact of entrepreneurial orientation and managerial resources on corporate venture outcomes 미리보기
Riley, D.; Kalafatis, S.; Manoochehri, F. unknown 2009
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