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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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2009 삭제
법학도서관 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 단행본 Arbeitsrechtlicher Kundigungsschutz und Europarecht:zur Europarechtskonformitat von § 2 IV AGG unter Berucksichtigung der Bestimmungen zum allgemeinen und besonderen Kundigungsschutz 미리보기
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Kristian Horn Nomos 2009
12 단행본 Humanitarian intervention and conflict resolution in West Africa:from ECOMOG to ECOMIL 미리보기
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by John M. Kabia Ashgate Pub. Company 2009
13 단행본 Salt water neighbors:international ocean law relations between the United States and Canada 미리보기
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Ted L. McDorman Oxford University Press 2009
14 단행본 Just trade:a new covenant linking trade and human rights 미리보기
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Berta Esperanza Herna>ndez-Truyol and Stephen J. Powell New York University Press 2009
15 단행본 Human rights in international investment law and arbitration 미리보기
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edited by P-M Dupuy, F. Francioni and E. U. Petersmann Oxford University Press 2009
16 단행본 The economics of lawmaking 미리보기
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Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon Oxford University Press 2009
17 단행본 The economic approach to law 미리보기
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Thomas J. Miceli Stanford Economics and Finance 2009
18 단행본 Corporate law 미리보기
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by Stephen M. Bainbridge Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2009
19 단행본 Institutions of the Asia-Pacific:ASEAN, APEC, and beyond 미리보기
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Mark Beeson Routledge 2009
20 단행본 Re-thinking intellectual property:the political economy of copyright protection in the digital era 미리보기
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YiJun Tian Routledge-Cavendish 2009
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