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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Under These Conditions 미리보기
Turnbull, S.; Hannah-Moffat, K. Oxford University Press 2009
82 저널기사 Embodying Uncertainty? 미리보기
Burgess, A.; Donovan, P.; Moore, S. E. Oxford University Press 2009
83 저널기사 Unequal Crime Decline: Theorising Race, Urban Inequality and Criminal Violence. By Karen F. Parker (New York: NYU, 2008, 163pp. 35.50) 미리보기
Antonopoulos, G. A.; Papanicolaou, G. Oxford University Press 2009
84 저널기사 Making Counter-Law 미리보기
Levi, R. Oxford University Press 2009
85 저널기사 Governing Through Anti-social Behaviour 미리보기
Crawford, A. Oxford University Press 2009
86 저널기사 Reacting to Rape 미리보기
Ellison, L.; Munro, V. E. Oxford University Press 2009
87 저널기사 The Politics of Antisocial Behaviour: Amoral Panics 미리보기
Newburn, T. Oxford University Press 2009
88 저널기사 Foreword 미리보기
Ben-Yehuda, N. Oxford University Press 2009
89 저널기사 From Dangerousness to Precaution 미리보기
Hebenton, B.; Seddon, T. Oxford University Press 2009
90 저널기사 Crime, Aboriginality and the Decolonisation of Justice. By H. Blagg (Leichhardt, NSW: Federation Press, 2008, 176pp. 20.99) 미리보기
Cunneen, C. Oxford University Press 2009
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