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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Why Have Economic Reforms in Mexico Not Generated Growth? 미리보기
Kehoe, T.J.; Ruhl, K.J. American Economic Association] 2010
62 저널기사 The Pricing of Academic Journals: A Two-Sided Market Perspective 미리보기
Jeon, D.-S.; Rochet, J.-C. American Economic Association 2010
63 저널기사 Hufbauer, Gary Clyde; Steve Charnovitz, and Jisun Kim. Global Warming and the World Trading System 미리보기
Fischer, C.; Mavroidis, P.C. American Economic Association] 2010
64 저널기사 World Bank. World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change 미리보기
Mendelsohn, R. American Economic Association] 2010
65 저널기사 Turnovsky, Stephen J. Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy 미리보기
Kimbrough, K.P. American Economic Association] 2010
66 저널기사 Johnson, Rucker C.; Ariel Kalil, and Rachel E. Dunifon. Mother's Work and Children's Lives: Low-Income Families after Welfare Reform 미리보기
Conrad, C. American Economic Association] 2010
67 저널기사 Lerner, Josh. Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Why Public Efforts to Boost Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Have Failed-And What to Do About It 미리보기
Audretsch, D. American Economic Association] 2010
68 저널기사 Quality Disclosure and Certification: Theory and Practice 미리보기
Dranove, D.; Jin, G.Z. American Economic Association] 2010
69 저널기사 Bodvarsson, Orn B. and Hendrik Van den Berg. The Economics of Immigration: Theory and Policy 미리보기
Lewis, E.G. American Economic Association] 2010
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