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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Interest Rate Risk in Credit Markets 미리보기
Piazzesi, M.; Schneider, M. American Economic Association 2010
102 저널기사 Decoupling and Recoupling 미리보기
Korinek, A.; Roitman, A.; Vegh, C.A. American Economic Association 2010
103 저널기사 Place Based Policies, Heterogeneity, and Agglomeration 미리보기
Kline, P. American Economic Association 2010
104 저널기사 Female Hires and the Success of Start-up Firms 미리보기
Weber, A.; Zulehner, C. American Economic Association 2010
105 저널기사 Unemployment and Small Cap Returns: The Nexus 미리보기
Moscarini, G.; Postel-Vinay, F. American Economic Association 2010
106 저널기사 Credit Externalities: Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Implications 미리보기
Bianchi, J. American Economic Association 2010
107 저널기사 Local Multipliers 미리보기
Moretti, E. American Economic Association 2010
108 저널기사 Directed Search on the Job, Heterogeneity, and Aggregate Fluctuations 미리보기
Menzio, G.; Shi, S. American Economic Association 2010
109 저널기사 Mexican Immigrant Employment Outcomes over the Business Cycle 미리보기
Orrenius, P.M.; Zavodny, M. American Economic Association 2010
110 저널기사 Culture and Intraracial Wage Inequality Among America's African Diaspora 미리보기
Mason, P.L. American Economic Association 2010
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