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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Going to Seed?: Using Monsanto as a Case Study to Examine the Patent and Antitrust Implications of the Sale and Use of Genetically Modified Seeds 미리보기
Smith, T. American Economic Association 2010
22 저널기사 Can Multistage Production Explain the Home Bias in Trade? 미리보기
Yi, K.-M. American Economic Association 2010
23 저널기사 How Do You Measure a ``Technological Revolution''? 미리보기
Corrado, C.A.; Hulten, C.R. American Economic Association 2010
24 저널기사 Social Preferences, Beliefs, and the Dynamics of Free Riding in Public Goods Experiments 미리보기
Fischbacher, U.; Gachter, S. American Economic Association 2010
25 저널기사 Intertemporal Consumption and Credit Constraints: Does Total Expenditure Respond to an Exogenous Shock to Credit? 미리보기
Leth-Petersen, S. American Economic Association 2010
26 저널기사 Doing Well by Doing Good? Green Office Buildings 미리보기
Eichholtz, P.; Kok, N.; Quigley, J.M. American Economic Association 2010
27 저널기사 Real Business Cycles in Emerging Countries? 미리보기
Garcia-Cicco, J.; Pancrazi, R.; Uribe, M. American Economic Association 2010
28 저널기사 Adult Child Migration and the Health of Elderly Parents Left Behind in Mexico 미리보기
Antman, F.M. American Economic Association 2010
29 저널기사 The Marginal Product of Capital, Capital Flows, and Convergence 미리보기
Chatterjee, S.; Naknoi, K. American Economic Association 2010
30 저널기사 Social Preferences and Strategic Uncertainty: An Experiment on Markets and Contracts 미리보기
Cabrales, A.; Miniaci, R.; Piovesan, M.; Ponti, G. American Economic Association 2010
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