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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
163건 중 163건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Community-based protest against construction projects: The social determinants of protest movement continuity 미리보기
Teo, M. M.; Loosemore, M. EMERALD 2010
102 저널기사 Exploring corruption practices in public procurement of infrastructural projects in Ghana 미리보기
Osei-Tutu, E.; Badu, E.; Owusu-Manu, D. EMERALD 2010
103 저널기사 Quality framework in education through application of interpretive structural modeling: An administrative staff perspective in the Indian context 미리보기
Sahney, S.; Banwet, D. K.; Karunes, S. Emerald 2010
104 저널기사 Improvements of public library service quality: Perspective of libraries and study centres 미리보기
Hallberg, A.; Sipos-Zackrisson, K. Emerald 2010
105 저널기사 Integration of quality management and environmental management systems: Similarities and the role of the EFQM model 미리보기
Tari, J. J.; Molina-Azorin, J. F. Emerald 2010
106 저널기사 The role of the Atlantic corridor project as a form of strategic community of practice in facilitating business transformations in Latin America 미리보기
Arroyo, A. C.; Walker, D. H. EMERALD 2010
107 저널기사 Loss and grief in the workplace: What can we learn from the literature? 미리보기
O'Connor, M.; Watts, J.; Bloomer, M.; Larkins, K. EMERALD 2010
108 저널기사 Coverage by smoke-free workplace policies by race/ethnicity and health outcomes: Can workplace health policies improve worker health? 미리보기
Halbesleben, J. R.; Wheeler, A. R. EMERALD 2010
109 저널기사 Potential to promote healthy eating in Baltic workplaces 미리보기
Vaask, S.; Pitsi, T. EMERALD 2010
110 저널기사 Current health of quality management practices in service sector SME: A case study of Pakistan 미리보기
Kureshi, N.; Qureshi, F.; Sajid, A. Emerald 2010
맨앞 이전 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 
