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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 A multi-disciplinary profile of IS/IT outsourcing research 미리보기
Alsudairi, M.; Dwivedi, Y. K. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
12 저널기사 An empirical analysis of the antecedents of adoption of online services: A prototype-based framework 미리보기
Seneler, C. O.; Basoglu, N.; Daim, T. U. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
13 저널기사 A comprehensive literature review of the ERP research field over a decade 미리보기
Schlichter, B. R.; Kraemmergaard, P. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
14 저널기사 Managing from the middle: The role of mid-level gatekeepers in mobilizing grassroots activism and encouraging facilitative relationships 미리보기
Reber, B. H.; Petersone, B.; Berger, B. K. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
15 저널기사 What they can do versus how much they care: Assessing corporate communication strategies on Fortune 500 web sites 미리보기
Kim, S.; Rader, S. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
16 저널기사 Stakeholders, politics and power: Towards an understanding of stakeholder identification and salience in government 미리보기
Bussy, N. M.; Kelly, L. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
17 저널기사 Enhancing the quality of organizational communication: A presentation of reflection-based criteria 미리보기
Marques, J. F. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
18 저널기사 What makes for trusting relationships in online communication? 미리보기
Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S.; Eichenlaub, A. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
19 저널기사 The influence of organizational conditions on public relations practitioners' dissent 미리보기
Kang, J. A.; Berger, B. K. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
20 저널기사 Reputation and stakeholder engagement: an Italian case study 미리보기
Romenti, S. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
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