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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 What about operational economics? How international accounting standards neglects social structures and special cultures 미리보기
Forsberg, P. Inderscience 2010
22 저널기사 The utopian accounting debate: changing word meaning for a changing world 미리보기
Compin, F. Inderscience 2010
23 저널기사 Implementation of compulsory internal control system within Swiss organisations: perceptions among accountants and workers in Geneva 미리보기
Catenazzo, G.; Fragniere, E. Inderscience 2010
24 저널기사 International Journal of Economics and Accounting's introducing the classics: Abraham Briloff's The gap in GAAP' 미리보기
Sy, A.; Tinker, T. Inderscience 2010
25 저널기사 Accounting classic: More debits than credits: the gap in GAAP 미리보기
Briloff, A.J. Inderscience 2010
26 저널기사 Recent history of French Accounting Regulation: five years of convergence towards IFRS 미리보기
Degos, J.-G.; Ouvrard, S. Inderscience 2010
27 저널기사 Credit rating agencies: accounting adjustments and econometrical analysis 미리보기
Degos, J.G.; Hmiden, O.B.; Henchiri, J.E. Inderscience 2010
28 저널기사 Practice of corporate governance in football clubs 미리보기
Rezende, A.J.; Dalmacio, F.Z.; Facure, C.E.F. Inderscience 2010
29 저널기사 A test of statistical independence under uncertainty 미리보기
Alghalith, M. Inderscience 2010
30 저널기사 Vector autoregressive order selection and forecasting via the modified divergence information criterion 미리보기
Mantalos, P.; Mattheou, K.; Karagrigoriou, A. Inderscience 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
