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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Industrial e-market adoption: an exploratory study of organisational change issues 미리보기
Johnson, M. Inderscience 2010
42 저널기사 Topic - strategic alliances: perspectives from Indian life insurance industry 미리보기
Bhattacharyya, S.S.; Shaik, J. INDERSCIENCE 2010
43 저널기사 Reengineering of large discount store: advanced shipping notice replenishment - specific purchase business model 미리보기
Paik, S.; Park, J. Inderscience 2010
44 저널기사 Regional cross-cultural consumption differences within India 미리보기
Singh, D.P.; Sharma, M.K. Inderscience 2010
45 저널기사 Plurality to pluralism in economics pedagogy: the role of critical thinking 미리보기
Negru, I. Inderscience 2010
46 저널기사 A heterodox teaching of neoclassical microeconomic theory 미리보기
Lee, F.S. Inderscience 2010
47 저널기사 Stakeholder theory as an arch to manage successful legitimacy strategies 미리보기
Mousa, G.A. Inderscience 2010
48 저널기사 Earnings quality and cost of equity capital: evidence from Tunisia 미리보기
Fatma, T.; Abdelwahed, O. Inderscience 2010
49 저널기사 The role of corporate governance during the pre- and post-Sarbanes Oxley periods 미리보기
Ng, A.C.; Mensah, Y.M. Inderscience 2010
50 저널기사 How beneficial are inward C-B M&A for European countries? 미리보기
Ovin, R.; Macek, A. Inderscience 2010
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