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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
292건 중 292건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Relaxing rural constraints: a `win-win' policy for poverty and environment in China? 미리보기
Groom, B.; Grosjean, P.; Kontoleon, A.; Swanson, T.; Zhang, S. Oxford University Press 2010
92 저널기사 Spend more, get more? An inquiry into English local government performance 미리보기
Revelli, F. Oxford University Press 2010
93 저널기사 Does social capital matter? Evidence from a five-country group lending experiment 미리보기
Cassar, A.; Wydick, B. Oxford University Press 2010
94 저널기사 Fiscal policy and monetary integration in Europe: an update 미리보기
Candelon, B.; Muysken, J.; Vermeulen, R. Oxford University Press 2010
95 저널기사 How does investing in cheap labour countries affect performance at home? Firm-level evidence from France and Italy 미리보기
Navaretti, G. B.; Castellani, D.; Disdier, A. C. Oxford University Press 2010
96 저널기사 How do Russian depositors discipline their banks? Evidence of a backward bending deposit supply function 미리보기
Karas, A.; Pyle, W.; Schoors, K. Oxford University Press 2010
97 저널기사 Are leading papers of better quality? Evidence from a natural experiment 미리보기
Coupe, T.; Ginsburgh, V.; Noury, A. Oxford University Press 2010
98 저널기사 Formulas and Flexibility in Trade Negotiations: Sensitive Agricultural Products in the World Trade Organization's Doha Agenda 미리보기
Jean, S. x.; Laborde, D.; Martin, W. Oxford University Press 2010
99 저널기사 Disobedience and Authority 미리보기
Marino, A. M. Oxford University Press 2010
100 저널기사 The role of rating agencies in financial crises: event studies from the Asian flu 미리보기
El-Shagi, M. Oxford University Press 2010
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