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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 On the origin of shared beliefs (and corporate culture) 미리보기
Van den Steen, E. Rand Corp. 2010
22 저널기사 Transparency and incentives among peers 미리보기
Winter, E. Rand Corp. 2010
23 저널기사 Patent thickets, courts, and the market for innovation 미리보기
Galasso, A.; Schankerman, M. Rand Corp. 2010
24 저널기사 Computable Markov-perfect industry dynamics 미리보기
Doraszelski, U.; Satterthwaite, M. Rand Corp. 2010
25 저널기사 Does vertical integration affect firm performance? Evidence from the airline industry 미리보기
Forbes, S. J.; Lederman, M. Rand Corp. 2010
26 저널기사 The effect of satellite entry on cable television prices and product quality 미리보기
Chu, C. S. Rand Corp. 2010
27 저널기사 The effects of mergers on product positioning: evidence from the music radio industry 미리보기
Sweeting, A. Rand Corp. 2010
28 저널기사 Do Americans consume too little natural gas? An empirical test of marginal cost pricing 미리보기
Davis, L. W.; Muehlegger, E. Rand Corp. 2010
29 저널기사 Trigger happy or gun shy? Dissolving common value partnerships with Texas shootouts 미리보기
Brooks, R. R.; Landeo, C. M.; Spier, K. E. Rand Corp. 2010
30 저널기사 The optimal disclosure policy when firms offer implicit contracts 미리보기
Mukherjee, A. Rand Corp. 2010
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