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CNU Search

검색 타입
검색어[키워드 / 전체:JOHN WILEY]
758건 중 500건 출력
10/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No 자료
서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Innovation search of new ventures in a technology cluster: the role of ties with service intermediaries 미리보기
Zhang, Y.; Li, H. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
92 저널기사 The effect of board capital and CEO power on strategic change 미리보기
unknown John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
93 저널기사 Does subnational region matter? Foreign affiliate performance in the United states and China 미리보기
unknown John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
94 저널기사 Transaction cost implication of private branding and empirical evidence 미리보기
Chen, S. F. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
95 저널기사 Are individuals entering self-employment overly optimistic? an empirical test of plans and projections on nascent entrepreneur expectations 미리보기
Cassar, G. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
96 저널기사 De novo venture strategy: arch incumbency at inaugural entry 미리보기
Fan, T. P. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
97 저널기사 The impact of CEO core self-evaluation on the firms entrepreneurial orientation 미리보기
Simsek, Z.; Heavey, C.; Veiga, J. J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
98 저널기사 Alliance portfolio diversity and firm performance 미리보기
Jiang, R. J.; Tao, Q. T.; Santoro, M. D. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
99 저널기사 The performance implications of intra- and inter-regional geographic diversification 미리보기
Qian, G.; Khoury, T. A.; Peng, M. W.; Qian, Z. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
100 저널기사 The coevolution of rent appropriation and capability development 미리보기
Coff, R. W. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
