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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Vertical Targeting and Leakage in Carbon Policy 미리보기
Bushnell, J.B.; Mansur, E.T. American Economic Association 2011
32 저널기사 Covenants without Courts: Enforcing Residential Segregation with Legally Unenforceable Agreements 미리보기
Brooks, R.R.W. American Economic Association 2011
33 저널기사 The Effects of Rural Electrification on Employment: New Evidence from South Africa 미리보기
Dinkelman, T. American Economic Association 2011
34 저널기사 Oaxaca-Blinder as a Reweighting Estimator 미리보기
Kline, P. American Economic Association 2011
35 저널기사 Rock and Roll Bands, (In)complete Contracts, and Creativity 미리보기
Ceulemans, C.; Ginsburgh, V.; Legros, P. American Economic Association 2011
36 저널기사 The Impact of Regulations on the Supply and Quality of Care in Child Care Markets 미리보기
Hotz, V.J.; Xiao, M. American Economic Association 2011
37 저널기사 Measuring the Benefits of Greater Spatial Granularity in Short-Term Pricing in Wholesale Electricity Markets 미리보기
Wolak, F.A. American Economic Association 2011
38 저널기사 Leverage and the Financial Accelerator in a Liquidity Trap 미리보기
Mertens, K.; Ravn, M.O. American Economic Association 2011
39 저널기사 Credit Ratings and the Evolution of the Mortgage-Backed Securities Market 미리보기
He, J.; Qian, J.; Strahan, P.E. American Economic Association 2011
40 저널기사 Corrigendum: Psychological Pressure in Competitive Environments: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment 미리보기
Apesteguia, J.; Palacios-Huerta, I. American Economic Association 2011
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