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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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51 저널기사 US International Equity Investment and Past and Prospective Returns 미리보기
Curcuru, S.E.; Thomas, C.P.; Warnock, F.E.; Wongswan, J. American Economic Association 2011
52 저널기사 Automobiles on Steroids: Product Attribute Trade-Offs and Technological Progress in the Automobile Sector 미리보기
Knittel, C.R. American Economic Association 2011
53 저널기사 Teacher Mobility Responses to Wage Changes: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment 미리보기
Falch, T. American Economic Association 2011
54 저널기사 Water Quality Violations and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Consumption 미리보기
Zivin, J.G.; Neidell, M.; Schlenker, W. American Economic Association 2011
55 저널기사 Trends in Employment and Earnings of Allowed and Rejected Applicants to the Social Security Disability Insurance Program 미리보기
von Wachter, T.; Song, J.; Manchester, J. American Economic Association 2011
56 저널기사 What Explains Changes in Retirement Plans during the Great Recession? 미리보기
Goda, G.S.; Shoven, J.B.; Slavov, S.N. American Economic Association 2011
57 저널기사 Stationary Concepts for Experimental 2 x 2 Games: Reply 미리보기
Selten, R.; Chmura, T.; Goerg, S.J. American Economic Association 2011
58 저널기사 Part D Formulary and Benefit Design as a Risk-Steering Mechanism 미리보기
Goldman, D.P.; Joyce, G.F.; Vogt, W.B. American Economic Association 2011
59 저널기사 Heterogeneity in Risky Choice Behavior in a Broad Population 미리보기
von Gaudecker, H.-M.; van Soest, A.; Wengstrom, E. American Economic Association 2011
60 저널기사 Unhealthy Insurance Markets: Search Frictions and the Cost and Quality of Health Insurance 미리보기
Cebul, R.D.; Rebitzer, J.B.; Taylor, L.J.; Votruba, M.E. American Economic Association 2011
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