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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Business excellence models and the path ahead … 미리보기
Talwar, B. Emerald 2011
102 저널기사 Differences between public administrators' and elected officials' perspectives on the role of the citizen in service quality improvement processes 미리보기
Cassia, F.; Magno, F. Emerald 2011
103 저널기사 High-involvement work practices, quality results, and the role of HR function: An exploratory study of manufacturing firms in Sri Lanka 미리보기
Wickramasinghe, V.; Gamage, A. Emerald 2011
104 저널기사 Application of fuzzy QFD for enabling agility in a manufacturing organization: A case study 미리보기
Vinodh, S.; Chintha, S. K. Emerald 2011
105 저널기사 Analysing the preferred characteristics of frontline employees dealing with customer complaints: A cross-national Kano study 미리보기
Gruber, T.; Abosag, I.; Reppel, A. E.; Szmigin, I. Emerald 2011
106 저널기사 Learning through shared objects in outsourced software development 미리보기
Vakkayil, J. D. EMERALD 2011
107 저널기사 Learning from a failed ERP implementation: a case study research 미리보기
Venugopal, C.; Rao, K. S. EMERALD 2011
108 저널기사 Effects of environmentally-focused interventions on health risks and absenteeism 미리보기
Marzec, M. L.; Golaszewski, T.; Musich, S.; Powers, P. E.; Shewry, S.; Edington, D. W. EMERALD 2011
109 저널기사 Demonstration of risk profiling for promoting safety in SMEs 미리보기
Jorgensen, K.; Duijm, N. J.; Troen, H. EMERALD 2011
110 저널기사 Supply chain sustainability: a relationship management approach 미리보기
Cheung, Y. K.; Rowlinson, S. EMERALD 2011
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