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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 ISO 9000 as an organisation development intervention 미리보기
Srivastav, A. K. Emerald 2011
42 저널기사 TALEVAS model: an integrated quality methodology 미리보기
Kheradia, A. Emerald 2011
43 저널기사 Post-project changes: occurrence, causes, and countermeasures 미리보기
Andersen, B.; Olsson, N. O.; Onsoyen, L. E.; Spjelkavik, I. EMERALD 2011
44 저널기사 Hospital ability to attract international patients: a conceptual framework 미리보기
Al-Amin, M.; Makarem, S. C.; Pradhan, R. EMERALD 2011
45 저널기사 Tourism branding and nation building in China 미리보기
Scott, N.; Ashton, A. S.; Ding, P.; Xu, H. EMERALD 2011
46 저널기사 Sustainable tourism certification and state capacity: keep it local, simple, and fuzzy 미리보기
Bowman, K. S. EMERALD 2011
47 저널기사 China's Olympic destination: tourist evaluations of China and the Games 미리보기
Nadeau, J.; O'Reilly, N.; Heslop, L. EMERALD 2011
48 저널기사 Working hours and personal preference among Taiwanese employees 미리보기
Lu, L. EMERALD 2011
49 저널기사 Exploring infrastructure procurement by Australian state governments 미리보기
Staples, W. J.; Dalrymple, J. F. EMERALD 2011
50 저널기사 Healthcare teamwork best practices: lessons for industry 미리보기
Tanco, M.; Jaca, C.; Viles, E.; Mateo, R.; Santos, J. Emerald 2011
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