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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
211 저널기사 Conflict management in the Middle East 미리보기
Posthuma, R. A. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
212 저널기사 Good organizational soldiers: conflict-related stress predicts citizenship behavior 미리보기
Karam, C. M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
213 저널기사 Mental contrasting promotes integrative bargaining 미리보기
Kirk, D.; Oettingen, G.; Gollwitzer, P. M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
214 저널기사 Attitudes towards questionable negotiation tactics in Turkey 미리보기
Erkus, A.; Banai, M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
215 저널기사 Conflict management and performance outcomes 미리보기
Posthuma, R. A. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
216 저널기사 Leaders' fairness and followers' conflict handling style: The moderating role of need for cognitive closure 미리보기
Giacomantonio, M.; Pierro, A.; Kruglanski, A. W. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
217 저널기사 Muslim and Christian conflict styles in Western Europe 미리보기
Croucher, S. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
218 저널기사 The origins and early developments of public relations in post-war Italy, 1945-1960 미리보기
Bini, E.; Fasce, F.; Falconi, T. M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
219 저널기사 History and development of public relations education in North America: A critical analysis 미리보기
Wright, D. K. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
220 저널기사 An empirical assessment of Islamic leadership principles 미리보기
Ahmad, K.; O.K., O. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
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