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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
465건 중 465건 출력
10/47 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Science is measurement: muons, money and the Nobel Prize 미리보기
Turk, J.D. Inderscience 2011
92 저널기사 Teaching economics differently by comparing contesting theories 미리보기
Resnick, S.; Wolff, R.D. Inderscience 2011
93 저널기사 Knowledge and life: comparative Islamic development perspectives 미리보기
Choudhury, M.A. Inderscience 2011
94 저널기사 E-government and farm management agricultural services in Greece 미리보기
Bournaris, T.; Manos, B.; Vlachopoulou, M.; Manthou, V. Inderscience 2011
95 저널기사 Longitudinal analysis of voluntary adoption of XBRL on financial reporting 미리보기
Efendi, J.; Smith, L.M.; Wong, J. Inderscience 2011
96 저널기사 The impact of audit committee existence and characteristics on auditor auditee negotiation outcomes: an empirical study in the Tunisian context 미리보기
Sahnoun, M.H. Inderscience 2011
97 저널기사 Macro and financial economics need a quantum leap 미리보기
Rossi, S. Inderscience 2011
98 저널기사 Contending perspectives in one department 미리보기
McIntyre, R.; Van Horn, R. Inderscience 2011
99 저널기사 The role of multinational companies in corrupt practices: the case of Nigeria 미리보기
Otusanya, O.J. Inderscience 2011
100 저널기사 Can the regulations prevent the unethical behaviours in accounting profession? A philosophical approach on the case of Turkiye 미리보기
Ozbirecikli, M.; Guvemli, B. Inderscience 2011
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